Stowed Safely, to Shooting Freely
Go from having your camera securely cinched up, for easy mobility — to slung low, for unhindered portrait and landscape shooting — just by pulling the F1’s adjustment tab.
Instead of tacking-on over-engineered hardware, it’s made from the same strong, flexible, lightweight fabric as the strap — plus a simple yet secure sliplok that won’t budge under load, no matter how heavy your camera.
One Strap That’s Up for Anything
To be clear, the F1 functions beautifully as a neck strap, but it’s much more versatile than that.
Quickly lengthen the F1 to use as a cross-body/sling strap, or loop the webbing through the D-rings to make a wrist strap — all without carrying (or remembering to carry) extra stuff.
We’ve heard tales of photographers literally tying their F1’s onto things, and attaching the D-rings or adjustment tab to carabiners for peace-of-mind. Use your imagination — F1 can take it!
Light, Strong & Built Tough in USA
A lot of camera straps are stuck in the past … unnecessarily bulky, made from traditional low-tech materials and metal hardware.
We take a different approach, using materials found in modern expedition gear, where strength-to-weight ratio is critical, and exposure to the elements is a given.
If you’re looking for a faux-heirloom made of leather and steel, you’ll have to look elsewhere — because we won’t make camera straps that rust, rot or crack after a downpour (especially for today’s weather-sealed cameras).
Sleek Where it Matters Most
Not all cameras are the same, so we’ve got two optimized mounting options, reducing bulk around the hand when possible.
For cameras that require a “traditional” flat mount, we use hardware developed by aerospace engineers, for cameras being sent to … you guessed it … space. And to tidy up the loose ends, we developed a streamlined installation method.
The barely-there lug mount version (shown here) comes with our proprietary Standard Split Rings, made from a steel and magnesium alloy that’s 25% stronger than stainless steel. It’s almost like holding a naked camera — but much more secure.

csbloom –
With 40 years of taking pictures under my belt and over 20 cameras in use, I decided to try the Simplr F1 strap. My old favorites were from Tamrac and they were so overbuilt that even after 25 years they’re still in use I have and use custom straps from Gordy’s for some of my vintage cameras, a Monarch paracord strap, some newer Tamrac straps and some model specific straps from China that are dedicated to Rolleiflexes. I will never purchase a Peak design strap and will not attach any strap to the tripod mount and let it dangle around waist level. With that being said, my first Simplr F1 arrived in gray and immediately got attached to my Fujifilm XH-1. I travel frequently and I’m hiking outdoors a lot with a 100-400mm lens, a Rolleiflex and usually three other lenses. Weight, durability and comfort are all factors for me but so is space. The F1 strap is not only the lightest, it’s also the strongest strap I’ve used. It can also fold on itself and be reduced to nothing when packed in a camera bag or backpack. It’s also void of any rivets or unnecessary metal in its construction which means that unnecessary scrapes and scratches caused by strap will be avoided. That’s important too, especially with an 85-year old vintage Leica camera whose value could be affected considerably. Yes, it’s also very comfortable. The strap is a near-perfect balance of form and function. It really is. I’ve now purchased three and the super-strong split rings built into the F1 strap to improve some of my other straps. If there was an option for a “neckpad” or a simple band of the same nylon webbing that served only to keep the straps together that would be great but without it, it’s still the best. You won’t be disappointed and even if you already like the strap you’re using, the Simplr straps will be great for a change of pace.
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Fernando Diehl –
Good product, excellent quality.
I loved the simplicity and functionality, and the colors are so beautiful.
It has just the necessary components, that make it easier to use, no excessive nor decorative pieces.
I recommend the F1.
I will buy a wrist model soon.
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Andrew –
I have the F1 lug mount strap which I use on a Fuji X-T20. While agreeing with the other reviews, I would like to emphasise the facility that allows quick and effective adjustment of the length of the strap. This allows you to quickly switch between sling and neck depending on the situation and also to quickly adjust where the camera sits; hip, waist or chest. I find this invaluable when out and about in the field particularly in crowds. It’s is a very well thought through product.
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Bruce –
The strap arrived just in time for me to travel to a wine region for the weekend. On inspection the strap is well made with plenty of stitching that is clean with no frills or dags, but provides plenty of strength where you need it.
After many tries to attach the strap to my Fuji X-T20 with the 18-55 lense, my fingers got quite sore trying to pry the rings open to the lugs. A tool to use and open up the rings would be a good value add I believe.
Otherwise, carrying the camera around and adjust the strap has been a breeze to use and given me so much more freedom is taking photos.
Still a great outcome for me.
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Mel Hughes –
I have a love/hate relationship with straps to the point where all I have used for the past year have been leather wrist straps from Gordy. But as functional as a wrist strap is, at some time or the other I find myself needing a neck strap. I thought the Peak Design straps and quick releases might work but found them too fiddly and bulky under hand close to the camera. I also distrust their attachment cords. They went back to Peak Design. The adjustable Artisan & Artist Easy Slider I got worked OK but was still a bit thick under the hand or over the hand when handling the camera. When I read Charlene Winfred’s review of the F1 and looked at the photos, I thought it just might work for me. I ordered one and put it on my new X-T3. So far, it has exceeded all my expectations. It is simple, straightforward, strong, and extremely functional. The slider works as well or better than the old Artisan and Artist I have. Having the thinner straps as the connection to the camera cleans up the area around the right side, the right grip of the camera where most of the controls lie. I am going to leave the F1 on the X-T3 while I still have Gordy wrist straps on my X-E3, X-Pro2, and X-T2. It will take a bit longer to figure out which is going to work best for me. But if I have to have a longer, adjustable strap, the Simplr F1 is definitely the best I have found!
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Daniel –
So far, my impressions are,
– Very lightweight. Quite a surprise since it’s lighter than the Peak Design Leash v2
– Very, very compact, compared to the Peak Design Leash v2
– Design and build is robust, inspires confidence
– The way you have a thinner strap leading to a wider strap; this works really well. The strap stays out of my way when I grip the body, unlike the Artisan & Artist Easy Slider (ring attachment type) straps. This is what works on the Peak Design straps too.
– No metal design = no scratching. Even the custom O rings are sized correctly; it’s difficult to contact the body when using the strap to hold up the camera.
– That O ring is gold. It’s springy, it’s got great tension, it’s compact. Works even on an X100F sized body.
– Wrist strap “hack” works well
So far, it’s very comparable to the Leash v2, which is my current favourite strap.
Only 1 thing bugs me but I need more time to see if this really turns into a bug; the thinner strap that attaches from the plastic D string to the custom metal O ring – it’s made of a softer material that already has a tiny bit of fraying. Even the act of threading the O ring thru the camera lugs can result in a few strands breaking. And God forbid this touches velcro. I can understand why this is a preferred material – it’s softer and very comfortable on the hands. Guess we can’t have everything.
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Pauline –
This F1 strap is terrific. I saw it on Palle Schultz You Tube where he was using it for video on an XT2 – so I tracked it down from the UK.
It’s on an XT2. It beats having a ton of neoprene and plastic clips getting caught up on other straps and ending up like a black snake pit. Nothing to hook up on so when you take it out of your bag you get just the camera and not the binoculars, light meter, spare batteries etc… Then, you put it round your neck and it stays there not getting hooked on your jacket – Hey!
Almost Zen like – if you can apply that to a camera strap – beautifully made. One is not enough, the other cameras are getting fidgety !
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Merlin E –
I want to compliment you on the excellence of the F1 in every regard, from workmanship to the lighter weight, less bulk, and far more maneuverability than the Op-Tech straps I have been using for decades.
I am using the F1’s with both of my Fuji X-T2 bodies and a variety of lenses including the 18-55mm and 90mm.
The F1 connectors (split rings) seem far more robust than the Op-Tech Mini QD loops on the M1’s. I have those connectors for my X30, but that camera (with a fixed 27-112mm zoom lens) weighs less than a pound with battery and SD card.
Thanks again!
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Ted R. –
This is a lovely strap and probably the most intuitive to adjust of any I’ve had. I’m using it on my A7 III and it’s a joy to go from carrying the camera tight against my body to being ready to shoot instantly.
it’s a very well thought out product and seemingly very well made. I don’t anticipate I’ll be changing it any time soon.
I also get a lot of compliments on the camo green color. It’s my first Simplr strap, but not my last!
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Staley –
Less is more. I love this strap. I’ve been lugging my camera around remote western Alaska for the last several weeks and it’s been great. I don’t want to think about a damn strap. I just want it to work. The adjustment tab is great as I cycle through various layers of clothing as the weather changes every 15 minutes. Fleece and raingear and T-shirt’s.
Simple. Clean. No snags. Understated on the street and rugged for a professional environment. It just works.
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