How do You Photograph the Gig of Your Dreams? with Flemming Bo Jensen

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If your specialty is concert photography — 2020 and ’21 have not been your best years ever — until now that is, for one such photographer.

Flemming Bo Jensen’s passion for music, and unmatched timing have made him on of the world’s finest live music photographers. When he was asked to photograph Danish band The Minds of 99 at Parken, Denmark’s national stadium, of course he jumped at the chance. It turned out to be the largest stadium concert in Europe since the onset of COVID, and the subject of this inspired short-film.

Flemming’s been part of the Simplr product testing team since the beginning — and most of his cameras are adorned with F1’s — his camera strap of choice for working fast, in the challenging world of concert photography, while leaving nothing to chance.

Fuji Girl Series: Mindy Tan, X-Pro3 & X-T3

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Mindy Tan is an exceptionally talented documentary and street photographer, and Fujifilm Ambassador. In the the Fuji Girl series, Mindy talks about gear, technique, and what she looks for in her subjects.

Unsurprisingly, the co-stars here are Fujifilm cameras, including X-T3 and gorgeous pre-release (as of filming) Fuji X-Pro3’s — and the co-co-star (does that make it a best supporting actor?) is an F1 Camera Strap in castor gray.

Getting Close with the Fujifilm XF18mm f/2


Charlene Winfred is a talented photographer and capable wordsmith. If you know her work, you’ll know much of it relies on a famously battered Fujinon 35mm f/1.4. In this article at, Charlene discusses her adjustment to a much wider perspective, namely the Fujinon 18mm f/2. Look closely at that fine looking X-T3 and you’ll see our telltale orange logo (it’s a castor gray Simplr F1).