*If you’re just installing Simplr Split Rings, not an F1 camera strap, you can skip straight to 1:07 in this video.
Mounting a camera strap with split rings is just like putting a key on a keychain — but instead of a key, it’s a camera.
- Situate your Lug Mount F1 or F1ultralight so the adjustment tab is in front of your body when the camera strap is fully-extended, and the camera is worn sling-style. Some people prefer to wear the camera on their left, others to their right. Do whatever feels most comfortable for you.
- Double-check the orientation of the strap to make sure you’re not installing it backwards or inside-out (the “S” logo goes on the inside).
- Pry a small gap in the split ring, just wide enough to feed the end of the wire through the lug on your camera. It’s unlikely you’ll need any tools for this; your thumbnail should suffice.
- Turn the split ring until the entire wire has passed through the lug and it springs back together (just like a keychain).